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[S] Alphaleon/Scylex/Thanatos Botnet Source + MORE

Тема в разделе "Ботнеты. Связки. Загрузки", создана пользователем banker, 9 ноя 2016.

  1. banker

    banker New Member

    Hello, I am selling the source code of my trojan. I am selling all components of my trojan including Loader (base implant/registry implant), HVNC (WinXP - Win10), SOCKS5 (with backconnect), Formgrabber, Injects (IE, FF, Chrome (latest version of chrome included) - x86/x64), Rootkit - Registry, Filesystem (x86/x64). This archive also contains the panel (php/js) and assistance of all components.

    Here are some sneak peaks to the source code that I am selling (alphaleon/thanatos botnet):

    This project was the sum of 2 years of my life. I once believed that making something so powerful will make me millions of dollars. The truth that I found out is that you need money to make money which lead me to selling licenses for a period of time in hopes of making money to use it on my own. After making enough money, I realized that I needed connections for drops, cashouts, money launderers, exploit kits, and traffic.

    This project cost me 2 years of my life (youth) that I could have spent on other things. Now I am choosing to leave the malware scene, and make something of myself in other places.

    This post marks the end of AlphaLeon, and everything that I have worked on. Infact, I also wish to sell the other code which I have worked on in private and on my own.

    I wish to sell ransomware (static locker, all code is embedded), ATM malware (only works on 1 specific model of ATMs), pos scraper(track 1, 2, and 3 grabber), and PolyCrypter (polymorphic crypter).

    Message me in jabber or here if you are interested to take on this great offer! I am choosing to ONLY sell this archive to 2 people.

    Some articles of my acheivements over the past 2 years:


    P.S. I will miss many of the faces I have befriended, and all the great people who have helped me gain fortune from all circles. I will miss all of you, but at the same time keep it as a good memory of my time in the scene as I move towards other endeavors.

    P.S.S. ALL THE PROJECTS SPECIFIED ABOVE CONTAIN SOURCE CODE ONLY - Doesnt include support/updates (you will need to do it on your own) - However it does include working components for all latest software versions (chrome, win10, heavens gate CFG bypass, etc).
  2. banker

    banker New Member

    BUMP! FULL ARCHIVE OF SOURCE CODE 10 000 USD. 1 Person Only, escrow accepted!
  3. banker

    banker New Member

    BUMP - 10,000 USD. Bitcoin accepted, escrow accepted.
  4. Darkne$$

    Darkne$$ New Member

    You have been banned from all serious forums, why would anyone buy this from you?

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