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Как стать про кардером + словарь - GLOSSARY FOR CARD

Тема в разделе "Вопросы новичков", создана пользователем luciQ, 7 дек 2017.

  1. luciQ

    luciQ Member

    Если вам очень лень лазить по рус ресурсах,но вы отлично владаете англ., то не секрет что на англ бордах больше инфы по карду )
    Для того чтобы читать англ борды вам нужно знать термины(да и для рус тоже ))) )
    А на самом деле этих мануальчиков до*** и на рус бордах.Так-что иди учи уроки!
    Для рус мне впадло переводить,сами справитесь,гугл транслейт хоть и говно но суть вы точно уловите(если вы не даун,что сомнительно )
    Fullz (Фулки) - Fullz is a slang term used by credit card hackers and data resellers meaning full packages of individuals’ identifying information. “Fullz” usually contain an individual’s name, Social Security number, birth date, account numbers and other data. Fullz are sold to identity thieves, who use them in credit fraud schemes.

    Credit Card-CVV - Even Dead Fullz, which are Fullz credentials associated with credit cards that are no longer valid, can still be used for numerous purposes, including tax refund scams, ordering credit cards on behalf of the victim, or opening a mule account (an account that will accept a fraudulent money transfer from a compromised account) without the victim’s knowledge.

    CVV2 - Card Verification Value, CVV or CVV2, is an authentication system established by credit card companies to further efforts toward reducing fraud for internet transactions. The card holder is required to enter the CVV2 number in at transaction time to verify that the card is on hand.

    Credit Card - Dumps - Dumps is fraudster language for the raw information on the card’s magnetic strip, and can be obtained in a variety of ways, including the physical skimming of the credit card, capturing the data through a point-of-sale device that has been infected with malware, or hacking into a retailer’s internal network. Dump data can be encoded onto a fake credit card that hackers can then use at a brick and mortar store to make purchases. While prices vary based on specifics such as the type of card and the expiration date, they’re generally more expensive than CVVs because the payoff is bigger — hackers can use them to buy goods of higher value than they can get with a CVV.

    Learn the Code Name and Format of Credit Card – Dumps

    A dump normally has 3 tracks, however, carder usually receive 2 tracks only: track 1 and track 2. Each character of a track is written with codes and odd parity.It is very important to write correct the dump on your plastic so that the card will match a bank account and a transaction made will be approved.

    Carders can buy dumps which came with original track1 and track2 – this is prefer for dumps carder, otherwise they have to generate the track 1. It is not difficult to generate track1 from track2 but for someone who don’t know (beginner), it is better to get dumps with both track1 and track2.

    Here is an example of dump with original track1 and track 2:
    track1: B4256 746500930321^CLAIRE/JONES^1402101700102054
    track2: 4256 746500930321=1402101700102054

    NOTE: This is not a real dump so don’t try to work it!

    Track 1 is written using a code called DEC SIXBIT and odd parity.Each symbol from track1 mean something and the sum of the symbols will connect the card with it’s bank account.

    Track 2 is written using a 5 bit scheme ,4 data bit and 1 parity.It may contain 16 characters ,in example the numbers 0-9 plus other 6 symbols, ie : = ; >?

    Service Code:
    Most of us though that only 2 kinds of dumps -101 and 201 are available, but actually there are many of them.Carders usual work with 101 or 201 dumps but the majority will prefer 101.

    Every dump has a Service Code.The Service Code has 3 characters and you can find a dump Service Code by looking to a dump no matter it has both tracks or has only track2. For example, let’s take 4256 746500930321=1402101700102054 in this case, the Service Code of this dump is 101 – located after the expire date,which in this case is 1402 (feb 2014,YYMM).

    Let’s go through the digit of service code. Each digit of a Service Code mean something. If the first digit is:

    1: mean that card allows international interchange (card can be use in any country).
    2: mean that card is international interchange but use IC (chip)
    5: mean that card is national interchange only under bilateral agreements
    6: mean that card is national interchange only under bilateral agreements and use chip
    7: mean that card is not for interchange
    9: mean that is a test card
    If the second digit is

    0: mean that card is normal
    2: mean that when card is used issuer must be contact via online means
    4: mean that when card is used the issuer must be contact except under bilateral agreements
    If the third digit is

    0: mean that the card has no restrictions but the PIN is required
    1: mean that the card has no restrictions
    2: mean that the card can be used for pay goods and services only not for cash
    3: mean that card can be used only for ATM transactions and PIN is required
    4: mean that card can be used for cash only
    5: mean that card can be used for good and services only and the PIN is required
    6: mean that card has no restrictions and use PIN where feasible
    7: mean that card can be used for goods and services only and use PIN where feasible

    Drop - An individual whose task is to work as your proxy and help you receive the money or goods from other party. In exchange, you will give him part of the earning as his commission (typically 60% of goods’ value).

    Cashier - An individual who acted as merchant, provides you a site, a place to cash out your money.

    Socks - Typically refer to Socks5. Socket Secure (SOCKS) is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 additionally provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server.

    Vip72 - One of the famous Socks Provider in Darknet

    VPN - Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN is a method used to add security and privacy to private and public networks, like WiFi Hotspots and the Internet. VPNs are most often used by corporations to protect sensitive data.

    RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection. The user employs RDP client software for this purpose, while the other computer must run RDP server software.

    BIN - BIN is bank identification number. The first 6 digits of a credit card number are known as the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), previously known as Bank Identification Number (BIN). These identify the institution that issued the card to the card holder. You can check the BIN here.

    Drop-Shipping - Drop-shipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product. One of the famous drop-shipping method is sell on eBay and buy from Amazon, ship to buyer from Amazon right away.

    E-Whoring - It is a black hat technique for making money. Basically what you do it you pretend to be a girl in a chat room. Then you talk to guys and you ask them to sign up to your affiliate program, usually an adult affiliate program, and once they sign up you get paid.

    Bank-Eminent (Issuing Bank) - Bank which has issued the card

    Billing Address - The card owner address

    COB - Change of billing. Used for online carding, to change the billing address of a card since Online Stores will only ship large items if the billing and shipping address match. You can obtain these from vendors in CP. Once you have this, you can easily change the card address to that of your drop so that the stores ship items to your drop, since the billing and shipping addresses will match.

    Cardholder - Owner of the card

    White Plastic - A piece of the pure plastic, where the information is plot

    CR-80 - Rectangular piece of pure white plastic (without the drawing image) with the size of a credit card with the magnetic strip.

    POS Terminal (Point Of Sale Terminal) - Device that read card, which stands at commercial point.

    PIN-Code - The sequence, which consists of 4-12 numbers. It is known only to the owner of card. By simple words password for the work with ATM and so on.

    Encoder - Read/write device for the magnetic track of the card.

    Chargeback - The card holder’s bank voids the removal of money from its card.

    Automated Clearing House (ACH) - The automated clearing house. The voluntary association of depositors, which achieves clearing of checks and electronic units by the direct exchange of means between the members of association.

    DOB - Date of birth of the card owner
  2. And_one90

    And_one90 New Member

    Достойно, спасибо!
  3. zek2342

    zek2342 New Member

    Хорошая инфа, дякуэмо.
  4. jimjhonson00

    jimjhonson00 New Member

    very good in fo. question is there any way to find a pin in the raw data . i have a reader /writer and some one told me you can find the pin in the raw data
  5. EasyForMe

    EasyForMe New Member

    Инфа бомба,на первое время самое то
  6. xintrea616

    xintrea616 New Member

    вау, очень годно, спасибо. наконец-то мне пригодился мой английский
  7. Zork

    Zork New Member

  8. TheRedPriest

    TheRedPriest New Member

    Суперский глассарий, спасает уйму времени, спасибо!
  9. alexwatson

    alexwatson New Member

    Вполне себе годно, да. Для начала вполне себе норм. Но список терминов гораздо шире, изучайте, ребята.

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